Věda a výzkum ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** • Více o nás najdete na webu fhs-psychologie.org [ URL "https://www.fhs-psychologie.org/"] • V akademickém roce 2021/22 hostuje na Katedře psychologie a věd o životě prof. James Pfa V rámci pobytu proferora Pfause na KPVŽ probíhají přednášky a semináře po jeho vedením. ale především zapojuje do vědecké a výzkumné činnosti našeho pracoviště. Stručná charakteristika prof. Pfause: James Pfaus (PhD) – researcher in psychology and behavioral neuroscience. His research on cognitive, neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and molecular mechanisms of sexual arousal, des and inhibition in rats and humans has been cited widely in both scientific and popular med has also formed the basis for new pharmacotherapies for sexual disorders and furthered und epigenetic changes within different neurochemical systems induced by sexual pleasure that desire and create sexual partner preferences. His research spans over 225 papers and chapt funded by operating and infrastructure grants in Canada and the US. He is a fellow of the Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health and has served since 2015 as the Editor-in- Sexual Health Reports, Associate Editor of Sexual Medicine Reviews, and sits on the editor several other scientific journals. He is a Past President of the International Academy of a past Director of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health. He wa the preclinical research committees for the 2010 and 2015 International Consultations in S and serves on the current Committee for Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorders and Hypersexu International Consultation in Sexual Medicine and Expert Panels for Orgasmic Disorders and Illness Syndrome of the International Society for Sexual Medicine.